...That's right - you didn't think you would slap some gunk on your face one night and wake up unblemished and smooth as a baby's bottom the next morning, did you? You did? Well, sorry - doesn't work that way....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
«...Exercise can get the blood pumping through your body, and when that blood is pumping, circulation results. This blood circulation will allow your skin to become healthier, more vibrant, and more adaptive to its surroundings. In turn, any acne you have, will have blood circulating through it, and since most external acne is just dead skin, you'll find that your skin will naturally moisturize itself....»
Full Text: http://acne-types.blogspot.com
tags: treat redness acne home remadies, remedies for getting rid of acne, treatment for acne scars skin